You may not use your PageRank Kings LLC DBA BISTRO BUDDY Mail Service to send Bulk Mail unless you purchased or upgraded to one of our Marketing Hosting Plans or Reseller Hosting Plans that includes a dedicated IP address. "Bulk Mail" means email messages of similar content that are sent to more than 100 recipients. Bulk email is the act of sending one email campaign to a large group at once. Marketing messages, newsletters, updates, coupons, and invitations typically comprise bulk emails. Synonymous with mass email or email blasts, bulk emails focus on sending one central message to a large group of subscribers. Attempts to circumvent this restriction by breaking up bulk email over time, using multiple accounts or other means will be a violation of this restriction.
The only exception is for system-generated messages such as user registration, password reset, or other end-user initiated type emails.
You may not use a third party other than an authorized PageRank Kings LLC DBA BISTRO BUDDY partner to send Bulk Mail that references a Mail Service email address or that has a Mail Service return email address.
You may not intentionally use your Mail Service for the purpose of receiving bulk email from others. For example, you may not submit any Mail Service email address to a "Safelist" or "Free for All" (FFA) list
Discover and support your local food and drink event scene on the ultimate community platform for foodies and businesses. Connect & collaborate with local restaurants, food trucks, farmers' markets, breweries, wineries, and more. Featuring event calendars, digital menus with online ordering businesses can promote deals, merchandise, event tickets, table reservations and jobs. Subscribe & stay up-to-date with local and industry news and videos from local food and drink influencers and creators.