PageRank Kings LLC DBA BISTRO BUDDY is permitted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") and many domain name registries to register domain names on your behalf only on the condition that PageRank Kings LLC DBA BISTRO BUDDY requires you to agree to certain additional terms, conditions and fees.
These additional terms, conditions, and fees are listed in the "PageRank Kings LLC DBA BISTRO BUDDY Registrant Agreement - Exhibit A" ("Third-Party Terms").
ICANN also provides some information about your Rights and Responsibilities as a Registrant of a generic top-level domain (gTLD). You should review their site to ensure you understand those Registrant Rights and Responsibilities. Additionally, ICANN provides some Registrant Educational Materials that you may find helpful.
The Third-Party terms are part of this Agreement, and you are bound by them just as if they were included here. In the event that this Agreement is inconsistent with any provision of the Third-Party Terms, the Third-Party Terms shall prevail.
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