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  • 38 Articles

2025 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行:一场爱尔兰自豪与社区精神的庆典

2025年3月16日星期日,新黑文(康涅狄格州)的街道热闹非凡,成千上万的人们齐聚一堂,共同庆祝 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行。作为东北地区规模最大、最受期待的圣帕特里克节活动之一,这场历史悠久的游行汇聚了行进乐队、消防和警察部队、军事致敬、爱尔兰舞表演以及节日花车,为大家奉上了一场难忘的爱尔兰自豪与社区精神盛宴。




2025 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行:一场爱尔兰自豪与社区精神的庆典

2025年3月16日星期日,新黑文(康涅狄格州)的街道热闹非凡,成千上万的人们齐聚一堂,共同庆祝 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行。作为东北地区规模最大、最受期待的圣帕特里克节活动之一,这场历史悠久的游行汇聚了行进乐队、消防和警察部队、军事致敬、爱尔兰舞表演以及节日花车,为大家奉上了一场难忘的爱尔兰自豪与社区精神盛宴。






🚒 新黑文消防局 825 分局及消防设备 – 向新黑文最勇敢的消防员致敬
🚔 新黑文警察翡翠社团 – 以荣誉与传统代表城市中最优秀的警察
🎖️ 康涅狄格州警察荣誉警卫及车辆 – 向执法部门的辛勤服务致敬
🇺🇸 美国海军陆战队学员及州长步兵警卫第二连 – 展现军事精准与爱国精神
🕊️ FDNY 9/11 致敬 JK343 – 向2001年9月11日的英雄们献上感人致敬


🥁 King Robinson 行进乐队与 Hillhouse 行进乐队 – 精彩表演点燃全场气氛
🎶 费尔菲尔德盖尔语风笛乐队与 Celtic Cross 管鼓队 – 带来最纯正的爱尔兰传统音乐
🎷 罗伯托·克莱门特乐队 – 展示多元音乐才华,为游行增色不少


💃 莱尼汉爱尔兰舞蹈学校 – 爱尔兰踢踏舞者将传统文化演绎得淋漓尽致
🎭 哥伦布骑士荣誉与旗队及司法护卫队 – 传承悠久传统的象征
🚜 1951年款威利斯 M38 军用吉普车 – 历史性军事致敬的重要组成部分
🚎 比萨巴士与皇家比萨花车 – 创意十足、趣味盎然的参赛作品博得观众喜爱
🍺 新英格兰酿酒公司 – 深受观众喜爱,为庆典增添浓厚的地方风味


2025 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行是一场展示爱尔兰文化、社区参与与历史传承的盛大庆典。街道两旁挤满了观众,他们共同欣赏着令人震撼的视觉盛宴、激昂的音乐以及对急救人员与军事人员的深情致敬。

观看完整亮点视频: 🎥 请欣赏我们独家制作的游行视频,捕捉了所有精彩瞬间,包括对急救人员、音乐家、文化表演者等的致敬!

📸 浏览我们的照片集,重温今年游行中最难忘的画面!


由于我们另有活动安排,遗憾未能完整记录整个游行,但我们希望您能喜欢我们录制的视频和照片!感谢您的观看与共同庆祝! ☘️🎉

此外,市长 Dorinda Borer,作为曾任总游行元帅,我们向您致以最诚挚的歉意!由于人群中不断呼喊您的名字,我们未能及时引起您的注意。



#圣帕特里克节 #新黑文游行 #消防员 #行进乐队 #爱尔兰风笛与鼓 #圣帕特里克节 #新黑文CT #爱尔兰传统 #军事致敬 #警察荣誉护卫 #游行亮点 #新黑文活动

2025 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行 | 消防员、警察、军事致敬、乐队与花车

重温2025 大新黑文圣帕特里克节游行的精彩瞬间!观看行进乐队、消防员、警察、爱尔兰舞者、花车及更多亮点,体验康涅狄格州最大型的爱尔兰庆典。

2025 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行回顾, 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行照片, 新黑文游行视频亮点, 谁参加了2025 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行, 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行阵容, 新黑文游行最佳瞬间, 新黑文游行爱尔兰舞者, 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行行进乐队, 新黑文游行警察和消防队, 新黑文圣帕特里克节游行获胜者, 新黑文游行花车图片, 康涅狄格州圣帕特里克节游行完整版视频, 新黑文游行活动总结, 新黑文州长步兵警卫第二连, 康涅狄格州警察荣誉警卫圣帕特里克节游行, 新英格兰酿酒公司圣帕特里克节游行花车, 新黑文游行罗伯托·克莱门特乐队, 新黑文游行比萨巴士花车, 新黑文游行FDNY 9/11致敬

  1.   17 Março 2025
  2.   Event News & Festival Happenings
2025-Greater-New-Haven-St-Patricks-Day-Parade-Interactive-Live-Experience-Full-Lineup-Marching-Bands-Floats-Irish-Dance-Drum-Corps-Pipes-and-Drums-Firefighte%20%2020 BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile

2025 Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven : Une Célébration de la Fierté Irlandaise et de la Communauté

Les rues de New Haven, Connecticut, se sont animées le dimanche 16 mars 2025, alors que des milliers de personnes se réunissaient pour célébrer le Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven. En tant que l’un des événements de la...

2025 Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven : Une Célébration de la Fierté Irlandaise et de la Communauté

Les rues de New Haven, Connecticut, se sont animées le dimanche 16 mars 2025, alors que des milliers de personnes se réunissaient pour célébrer le Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven. En tant que l’un des événements de la Saint-Patrick les plus importants et les plus attendus du Nord-Est, ce défilé historique a réuni des fanfares, des unités de pompiers et de police, des hommages militaires, des spectacles de danse irlandaise et des chars festifs pour un après-midi inoubliable de fierté irlandaise et d’esprit communautaire.

Une Histoire Riche en Héritage Irlandais à New Haven

Le Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven puise ses racines dans une longue tradition, remontant à 1842. Organisé par les Sociétés Irlandaises Associées, ce défilé est une tradition ancienne qui rend hommage aux contributions de la communauté irlando-américaine à Connecticut et au-delà. Au fil des ans, il est devenu un événement annuel d’envergure, attirant des dizaines de milliers de spectateurs et rassemblant divers groupes civiques, écoles et entreprises.

Moments Forts du Défilé

Le défilé 2025 a été riche en performances spectaculaires, en chars élaborés et en hommages remarquables. Voici quelques-uns des participants qui ont marqué cet événement exceptionnel :

Premiers Secouristes et Hommages Militaires

🚒 Service d’Incendie de New Haven Local 825 et Équipements de Pompiers – Un hommage aux pompiers les plus courageux de New Haven
🚔 Société Émeraude de la Police de New Haven – Représentant les meilleurs agents de la ville avec honneur et tradition
🎖️ Garde d’Honneur et Véhicules de la Police d’État du Connecticut – Rendant hommage au service dévoué des forces de l’ordre
🇺🇸 Cadets Marins d’Amérique et Seconde Compagnie de la Garde à Pied du Gouverneur – Illustrant la précision militaire et le patriotisme
🕊️ Hommage FDNY 9/11 JK343 – Un hommage émouvant aux héros du 11 septembre 2001

Fanfares et Performances Musicales

🥁 Fanfares King Robinson Marching Jaguar et Hillhouse Marching Band – Des performances électrisantes qui ont dynamisé la foule
🎶 Fanfare des Cornemuses Gaéliques de Fairfield et Pipes & Drums Celtic Cross – Le meilleur de la musique traditionnelle irlandaise
🎷 Fanfares Roberto Clemente – Met en lumière un talent musical diversifié lors du défilé

Groupes Culturels et Communautaires

💃 École de Danse Irlandaise Lenihan – Des danseurs de step irlandais qui donnent vie à la culture
🎭 Garde d’Honneur et de Couleurs des Knights of Columbus et Services d’Ordonnancement Judiciaire – Représentant des traditions séculaires
🚜 Jeep Militaire Willys M38 de 1951 – Un hommage historique à la tradition militaire
🚎 The Pizza Bus et Le Char Royal de Pizza – Des participations créatives et divertissantes qui ont enchanté le public
🍺 New England Brewing Co – Un favori parmi les spectateurs, apportant une touche locale à la célébration

Un Défilé Inoubliable

Le Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven 2025 fut une vitrine incroyable de culture irlandaise, d’engagement communautaire et de tradition historique. Des familles se sont alignées dans les rues pour profiter des visuels époustouflants, de la musique entraînante et des hommages émouvants aux premiers secouristes et au personnel militaire.

Regardez les Temps Forts Complets : 🎥 Découvrez notre vidéo exclusive du défilé, capturant tous les meilleurs moments avec des hommages aux premiers secouristes, musiciens, artistes culturels et bien plus encore !

📸 Visitez notre Galerie Photo pour revivre les images les plus mémorables du défilé de cette année !

Un Sincère Message d’Excuse

Nous regrettons de ne pas avoir pu capturer l’intégralité du défilé, car nous avions un autre engagement. Toutefois, nous espérons que vous apprécierez les vidéos et les photos que nous avons pu enregistrer ! Merci de regarder et de célébrer avec nous ! ☘️🎉

De plus, la maire Dorinda Borer, en tant qu’ancienne Grande Maréchale, nous présente nos excuses les plus sincères ! Nous avons tenté d’attirer son attention, mais avec autant de personnes criant son nom, il lui était difficile de nous remarquer.

Restez Connecté !

N’oubliez pas de aimer, partager et commenter si vous avez participé ou apprécié la couverture du défilé. Suivez-nous pour plus d’événements locaux, de festivals et de célébrations culturelles !

#SaintPatrick #DéfiléNewHaven #Pompiers #Fanfares #CornemusesEtTambours #SaintPatricksDay #NewHavenCT #HéritageIrlandais #HommageMilitaire #GardeDHonneurPolicier #MomentsDuDéfilé #ÉvénementsNewHaven

Titre : Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven 2025 | Pompiers, Police, Hommages Militaires, Fanfares et Chars

Meta Description : Revivez les meilleurs moments du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Grand New Haven 2025 ! Regardez les temps forts des fanfares, des pompiers, de la police, des danseurs irlandais, des chars et bien plus encore de la plus grande célébration irlandaise du Connecticut.

Mots-clés (Long-Tail, séparés par des virgules) :
Résumé du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven 2025, Photos du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven, Vidéo en vedette du défilé de New Haven, Participants du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven 2025, Programmation du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven, Meilleurs moments du défilé de New Haven, Danseurs irlandais au défilé de New Haven, Fanfares du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven, Services de police et de pompiers au défilé de New Haven, Lauréats du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de New Haven, Photos des chars du défilé de New Haven, Vidéo complète du Défilé de la Saint-Patrick du Connecticut, Résumé de l’événement du défilé de New Haven, Seconde Compagnie de la Garde à Pied du Gouverneur de New Haven, Garde d’Honneur de la Police d’État du Connecticut au Défilé de la Saint-Patrick, Char de New England Brewing Co au Défilé de la Saint-Patrick, Fanfares Roberto Clemente au défilé de New Haven, Char Pizza Bus au défilé de New Haven, Hommage FDNY 9/11 au défilé de New Haven

  1.   17 Março 2025
  2.   Event News & Festival Happenings
2025-Greater-New-Haven-St-Patricks-Day-Parade-Interactive-Live-Experience-Full-Lineup-Marching-Bands-Floats-Irish-Dance-Drum-Corps-Pipes-and-Drums-Firefighte%20%2020 BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile

2025 Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven: Uma Celebração do Orgulho Irlandês e da Comunidade

As ruas de New Haven, Connecticut, ganharam vida no domingo, 16 de março de 2025, quando milhares se reuniram para celebrar o Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven. Sendo um dos maiores e mais aguardados eventos do Dia de...

2025 Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven: Uma Celebração do Orgulho Irlandês e da Comunidade

As ruas de New Haven, Connecticut, ganharam vida no domingo, 16 de março de 2025, quando milhares se reuniram para celebrar o Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven. Sendo um dos maiores e mais aguardados eventos do Dia de São Patrício no Nordeste, este histórico desfile reuniu bandas de marcha, unidades de bombeiros e polícia, homenagens militares, apresentações de dança irlandesa e carroças festivas para uma tarde inesquecível de orgulho irlandês e espírito comunitário.

Uma História Rica de Herança Irlandesa em New Haven

O Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven tem raízes profundas, remontando a 1842. Organizado pelas Sociedades Irlandesas Associadas, este desfile é uma tradição de longa data que homenageia as contribuições da comunidade irlandês-americana em Connecticut e além. Ao longo dos anos, tornou-se um evento anual de grande magnitude, atraindo dezenas de milhares de espectadores e contando com a participação de diversas organizações cívicas, escolas e empresas.

Destaques do Desfile

O desfile de 2025 foi repleto de performances espetaculares, carroças elaboradas e homenagens notáveis. Confira alguns dos participantes de destaque que fizeram deste evento algo realmente especial:

Primeiros Socorristas e Homenagens Militares

🚒 Departamento de Bombeiros de New Haven Local 825 e Equipamentos de Bombeiros – Uma saudação aos bombeiros mais corajosos de New Haven
🚔 Sociedade Esmeralda da Polícia de New Haven – Representando os melhores oficiais da cidade com honra e tradição
🎖️ Guarda de Honra e Veículos da Polícia Estadual de Connecticut – Prestando homenagem ao serviço dedicado das forças de segurança
🇺🇸 Cadetes Marinhos da América e Segunda Companhia da Guarda a Pé do Governador – Demonstrando precisão militar e patriotismo
🕊️ Homenagem FDNY 9/11 JK343 – Uma comovente homenagem aos heróis do 11 de setembro de 2001

Bandas de Marcha e Apresentações Musicais

🥁 Banda Marchante King Robinson Marching Jaguar e Banda Marchante Hillhouse – Performances eletrizantes que energizaram o público
🎶 Banda de Gaitas Gaélicas de Fairfield e Pipes & Drums Celtic Cross – O melhor da música tradicional irlandesa
🎷 Banda Roberto Clemente – Exibindo um talento musical diversificado durante o desfile

Grupos Culturais e Comunitários

💃 Escola de Dança Irlandesa Lenihan – Dançarinos de step irlandês que dão vida à cultura
🎭 Guardia de Honra e de Cores dos Knights of Columbus e Serviços de Alguacil Judicial – Representando tradições consagradas pelo tempo
🚜 Jeep Militar Willys M38 de 1951 – Uma homenagem militar histórica
🚎 The Pizza Bus e A Carroça Real de Pizza – Participações criativas e divertidas que encantaram o público
🍺 New England Brewing Co – Um favorito entre os espectadores, trazendo o sabor local para a celebração

Um Desfile para Recordar

O Desfile do Dia de São Patrício da Grande New Haven 2025 foi uma vitrine incrível de cultura irlandesa, engajamento comunitário e tradição histórica. Famílias alinharam-se nas ruas para desfrutar dos visuais impressionantes, da música animada e dos emocionantes tributos aos primeiros socorristas e ao pessoal militar.

Assista aos Destaques Completos: 🎥 Confira nosso vídeo exclusivo do desfile, que captura todos os melhores momentos, com homenagens aos primeiros socorristas, músicos, artistas culturais e muito mais!

📸 Visite Nossa Galeria de Fotos para reviver as imagens mais memoráveis do desfile deste ano!

Um Pedido de Desculpas Sincero

Lamentamos não ter conseguido captar todo o desfile, pois tínhamos outro compromisso. No entanto, esperamos que você aprecie as imagens e os vídeos que conseguimos registrar! Obrigado por assistir e celebrar conosco! ☘️🎉

Além disso, a prefeita Dorinda Borer, como ex-Grande Marechal, pedimos sinceras desculpas! Tentamos chamar sua atenção, mas com tantas pessoas chamando seu nome, foi difícil alcançá-la.

Mantenha-se Conectado!

Não se esqueça de curtir, compartilhar e comentar se você participou ou gostou da cobertura do desfile. Siga-nos para mais eventos locais, festivais e celebrações culturais!

#DiaDeSãoPatrício #DesfileNewHaven #Bombeiros #BandasDeMarcha #GaitasETambores #SãoPatrícios #NewHavenCT #HerançaIrlandesa #HomenagemMilitar #GuardaDeHonraPolicial #DestaquesDoDesfile #EventosNewHaven

  1.   17 Março 2025
  2.   Event News & Festival Happenings
2025-Greater-New-Haven-St-Patricks-Day-Parade-Interactive-Live-Experience-Full-Lineup-Marching-Bands-Floats-Irish-Dance-Drum-Corps-Pipes-and-Drums-Firefighte%20%2020 BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile

Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven 2025: Una Celebración del Orgullo Irlandés y de la Comunidad

Las calles de New Haven, Connecticut, se llenaron de vida el domingo 16 de marzo de 2025, cuando miles se reunieron para celebrar el Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven. Como uno de los eventos de San Patricio más...

Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven 2025: Una Celebración del Orgullo Irlandés y de la Comunidad

Las calles de New Haven, Connecticut, se llenaron de vida el domingo 16 de marzo de 2025, cuando miles se reunieron para celebrar el Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven. Como uno de los eventos de San Patricio más grandes y esperados del Noreste, este histórico desfile reunió a bandas de música, unidades de bomberos y policía, homenajes militares, actuaciones de danza irlandesa y carrozas festivas para una tarde inolvidable de orgullo irlandés y espíritu comunitario.

Una Historia Rica en Herencia Irlandesa en New Haven

El Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven tiene profundas raíces, remontándose a 1842. Organizado por las Sociedades Irlandesas Asociadas, este desfile es una tradición de larga data que rinde homenaje a las contribuciones de la comunidad irlandés-americana en Connecticut y más allá. Con el paso de los años, se ha convertido en un evento anual masivo, atrayendo a decenas de miles de espectadores y contando con la participación de diversas organizaciones cívicas, escuelas y empresas.

Momentos Destacados del Desfile

El desfile 2025 estuvo repleto de espectaculares actuaciones, carrozas elaboradas y homenajes notables. A continuación, algunos de los participantes destacados que hicieron de este evento algo verdaderamente especial:

Homenajes a los Primeros Respondedores y al Sector Militar

🚒 Departamento de Bomberos de New Haven Local 825 y Equipos de Bomberos – Un saludo a los bomberos más valientes de New Haven
🚔 Sociedad Esmeralda de la Policía de New Haven – Representando a los mejores oficiales de la ciudad con honor y tradición
🎖️ Guardia de Honor y Vehículos de la Policía Estatal de Connecticut – Rindiendo homenaje al dedicado servicio de las fuerzas del orden
🇺🇸 Cadetes Marinos de América y Segunda Compañía de la Guardia a Pie del Gobernador – Demostrando precisión militar y patriotismo
🕊️ JK343 FDNY Homenaje 9/11 – Un emotivo homenaje a los héroes del 11 de septiembre de 2001

Bandas de Música y Actuaciones Musicales

🥁 Banda Marchante King Robinson Marching Jaguar y Banda Marchante Hillhouse – Actuaciones electrizantes que animaron a la multitud
🎶 Banda de Gaitas Gaélicas de Fairfield y Pipes & Drums Celtic Cross – La mejor música tradicional irlandesa
🎷 Banda Roberto Clemente – Mostrando un talento musical diverso en el desfile

Grupos Culturales y Comunitarios

💃 Escuela de Danza Irlandesa Lenihan – Bailarines de step irlandés que dan vida a la cultura
🎭 Guardia de Honor y de Colores de los Caballeros de Colón y Servicio de Alguaciles Judiciales – Representando tradiciones consagradas por el tiempo
🚜 Jeep Militar Willys M38 de 1951 – Un homenaje militar histórico
🚎 The Pizza Bus y La Carroza Real de Pizza – Participaciones creativas y divertidas que deleitaron a los espectadores
🍺 New England Brewing Co – Un favorito entre los asistentes, aportando sabor local a la celebración

Un Desfile para Recordar

El Desfile del Día de San Patricio del Gran New Haven 2025 fue una increíble muestra de cultura irlandesa, compromiso comunitario y tradición histórica. Familias se alinearon en las calles para disfrutar de las impresionantes imágenes del desfile, la música vibrante y los conmovedores homenajes a los primeros respondedores y al personal militar.

Mira los Momentos Destacados Completos: 🎥 ¡Mira nuestro exclusivo video del desfile que captura todos los mejores momentos, con homenajes a primeros respondedores, músicos, artistas culturales y más!

📸 Explora Nuestra Galería de Fotos para revivir los momentos más memorables del desfile de este año!

Una Sincera Disculpa

Lamentamos no haber podido captar la totalidad del desfile, ya que teníamos otro compromiso. Sin embargo, esperamos que disfrutes el material de video y las fotos que logramos grabar. ¡Gracias por vernos y celebrar con nosotros! ☘️🎉

Además, la alcaldesa Dorinda Borer, como antigua Gran Mariscal, ¡le pedimos sinceras disculpas! Intentamos llamar su atención, pero con tantas personas mencionando su nombre, fue difícil alcanzarla.

¡Mantente Conectado!

No olvides dar like, compartir y comentar si asististe o disfrutaste la cobertura del desfile. ¡Síguenos para más eventos locales, festivales y celebraciones culturales!

#DíaDeSanPatricio #DesfileNewHaven #Bomberos #BandasMarchantes #GaitasYTamboriles #SanPaddysDay #NewHavenCT #HerenciaIrlandesa #HomenajeMilitar #GuardiaDeHonorPolicial #MomentosDelDesfile #EventosNewHaven

  1.   17 Março 2025
  2.   Event News & Festival Happenings
2025-Greater-New-Haven-St-Patricks-Day-Parade-Interactive-Live-Experience-Full-Lineup-Marching-Bands-Floats-Irish-Dance-Drum-Corps-Pipes-and-Drums-Firefighte  20 BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile

2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade: A Celebration of Irish Pride and Community

The streets of New Haven, Connecticut, came alive on Sunday, March 16, 2025, as thousands gathered to celebrate the Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade. As one of the largest and most anticipated St. Patrick’s Day events in the Northeast, this...

2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade: A Celebration of Irish Pride and Community

The streets of New Haven, Connecticut, came alive on Sunday, March 16, 2025, as thousands gathered to celebrate the Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade. As one of the largest and most anticipated St. Patrick’s Day events in the Northeast, this historic parade brought together marching bands, fire and police units, military tributes, Irish dance performances, and festive floats for an unforgettable afternoon of Irish pride and community spirit.

A Rich History of Irish Heritage in New Haven

The Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade has deep roots, tracing its origins back to 1842. Organized by the Associated Irish Societies, this parade is a long-standing tradition that honors the contributions of the Irish-American community to Connecticut and beyond. Over the years, it has grown into a massive annual event, attracting tens of thousands of spectators and featuring participants from various civic organizations, schools, and businesses.

Parade Highlights

The 2025 parade was filled with spectacular performances, elaborate floats, and remarkable tributes. Here are some of the standout participants that made this year’s event truly special:

First Responders and Military Tributes

🚒 New Haven Fire Department Local 825 & Fire Apparatus – A salute to New Haven’s bravest firefighters
🚔 New Haven Police Emerald Society – Representing the city’s finest officers with honor and tradition
🎖️ Connecticut State Police Honor Guard & Vehicles – Paying tribute to the dedicated service of law enforcement
🇺🇸 Marine Cadets of America & Second Company Governor's Foot Guard – Demonstrating military precision and patriotism
🕊️ JK343 FDNY 9/11 Tribute – A moving tribute to the heroes of September 11, 2001

Marching Bands and Musical Performances

🥁 King Robinson Marching Jaguar Band & Hillhouse Marching Band – Electrifying performances that energized the crowd
🎶 The Fairfield Gaelic Pipe Band & Celtic Cross Pipes & Drums – Traditional Irish music at its finest
🎷 Roberto Clemente Band – Showcasing diverse musical talent in the parade

Cultural and Community Groups

💃 Lenihan School of Irish Dance – Irish step dancers bringing culture to life
🎭 Knights of Columbus Honor & Color Guard & Judicial Marshal Services Honor Guard – Representing time-honored traditions
🚜 1951 Willys M38 Military Jeep – A historic military tribute
🚎 The Pizza Bus & The Royal Pizza Float – Creative and fun entries that delighted spectators
🍺 New England Brewing Co – A favorite among parade-goers, bringing local flavor to the celebration

A Parade to Remember

The 2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade was an incredible showcase of Irish culture, community engagement, and historical tradition. Families lined the streets to enjoy the parade’s stunning visuals, lively music, and touching tributes to first responders and military personnel.

Watch the Full Highlights: 🎥 Check out our exclusive parade video capturing all the best moments, featuring first responders, musicians, cultural performers, and more!

📸 Browse Our Photo Gallery to relive the most memorable sights from this year’s parade!

A Heartfelt Apology

We regret that we couldn’t capture the entire parade, as we had another gig to attend. However, we hope you enjoy the footage and photos we were able to record! Thank you for watching and celebrating with us! ☘️🎉

Additionally, Mayor Dorinda Borer, as a past Grand Marshal, we sincerely apologize! We tried to get your attention, but with so many people calling your name, it was difficult to reach you.

Stay Connected!

Don’t forget to like, share, and comment if you attended or enjoyed the parade coverage. Follow us for more local events, festivals, and cultural celebrations!

#StPatricksDay #NewHavenParade #Firefighters #MarchingBands #PipesAndDrums #StPaddysDay #NewHavenCT #IrishHeritage #MilitaryTribute #PoliceHonorGuard #ParadeHighlights #NewHavenEvents

  1.   17 Março 2025
  2.   Event News & Festival Happenings
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Food & Drink Photography

CT Beer Fest 2023: Connecticut Brewers Guild - 65 Breweries, Earth Day Celebration, and Live Music
CT Beer Fest 2023: Connecticut Brewers Guild - 65 Breweries, Earth Day Celebration, and Live Music
148 Photos

CT Beer Fest 2023: A Journey Through Hops and Happiness

Welcome to the visual diary of the Connecticut Beer Festival 2023, an event that brought together a vibrant tapestry of flavors, fun, and festivity, all under the banner of the Connecticut Brewers Guild. This album is more than just a collection of photographs; it's a story of community, craftsmanship, and celebration, encapsulating a day where the earthy aroma of hops mingled with the melodies of live music and the spirit of Earth Day.

Celebrating Earth Day with Every Sip

As you flip through these pages, you'll notice that this year's festival was not just about savoring the finest brews but also about honoring our planet. Held on Earth Day, the event intertwined environmental consciousness with the joy of beer tasting, reminding us of the delicate balance between indulging in our passions and preserving our world.

65 Breweries, Infinite Flavors Each photograph is a tribute to the 65 breweries that participated, showcasing their unique stories, brewing artistry, and the people behind the pint. From classic lagers to experimental ales, the range of flavors and styles was as diverse as the brewers themselves. These images capture the essence of their craft – the meticulous selection of ingredients, the precise brewing processes, and the shared joy of creating something extraordinary.

Rhythms and Brews: The Soundtrack of the Festival As you delve deeper into this album, you'll feel the pulse of live music that graced the event. Bands and artists, local and beyond, provided the perfect soundtrack to the festival, creating an atmosphere that was both electrifying and intimate. Each photo echoes the chords and melodies that filled the air, adding an auditory dimension to this visual journey.

? A Community United by Beer ?

Beyond the beers and the bands, these images capture the heart of the festival – the people. From enthusiasts and connoisseurs to curious first-timers, the festival was a melting pot of individuals united by their love for good beer. Smiling faces, clinking glasses, and animated conversations fill these pages, a testament to the community spirit that the Connecticut Brewers Guild fosters.

Memories Preserved ?

As you reach the end of this album, we hope that the memories of CT Beer Fest 2023 linger on. Whether you were a participant, a brewer, or just an admirer of the craft beer community, these photographs are a gateway back to those moments of joy, discovery, and unity. Until the next pour at CT Beer Fest 2024, let's raise a glass to the memories made and the friendships forged.

Cheers to the Connecticut Brewers Guild, to Earth Day, and to the timeless art of brewing!
Winter Fest Food Truck Festival 2023 - Ledyard, CT by American Food Truck Festivals and sponsored by Kit Na Brewing
Winter Fest Food Truck Festival 2023 - Ledyard, CT by American Food Truck Festivals and sponsored by Kit Na Brewing
153 Photos

winter_fest_food_truck_fest_updated_poster BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile

Step into the vibrant world of the Winter Fest Food Truck Festival 2023, captured in this extensive photo album that brings the spirit of Ledyard, Connecticut, to life. Each image in this collection tells a story of community, culinary exploration, and festive joy, encapsulating a memorable weekend on November 18th and 19th at the scenic Ledyard Green.

From the first click, you're transported to a winter wonderland where the air buzzes with excitement and the aroma of diverse cuisines. The festival, a haven for food enthusiasts, features a spectacular array of food trucks like Kit NA Brewing Co., EL BORI, and CHOMPERS, each offering a taste of their unique culinary delights. Not just a feast for the taste buds, the festival also presents a visual banquet with the colorful trucks set against the picturesque backdrop of Ledyard's natural beauty.

Special moments are frozen in time – children's wide-eyed wonder as they meet Santa Claus and The Grinch, friends and families huddled together, savoring hot chocolate and apple cider, and the community coming together to support local vendors like Jewelry by Heart Anna and Grandma Sue's Home Decor. The album also highlights the contributions of key organizers such as Bistro Buddy and Hometown Explorer, and the involvement of Events by Robin and American Food Truck Festivals, showcasing the collaborative spirit that makes this event a success.

As you flip through the photos, you'll also experience the warmth of holiday movie screenings under the stars, the excitement of the Roaming Railroad rides, and the charm of Carly’s Critters petting zoo, each frame capturing the essence of family-friendly fun.

This photo album is more than just a collection of images; it's a tribute to the 'Families feeding families' motto that embodies the heart of the Winter Fest Food Truck Festival. It's a visual storybook that celebrates the union of local craftsmanship, global cuisines, and the unbreakable spirit of the Ledyard community.

Dive into this photographic journey and relive the magic, the laughter, the flavors, and the unforgettable memories of the Winter Fest Food Truck Festival 2023.

Winter Fest Food Truck Festival: A Culinary Winter Wonderland
November 18th & 19th, 12 pm to 6 pm
Ledyard Green, 722 Colonial Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, CT

A Whimsical Winter Feast Awaits!
Join us at the Winter Fest Food Truck Festival to kick off the holiday season with sumptuous bites, festive vibes, and community spirit!

Mingle with Santa & The Grinch!
Our special guests from the North Pole, Santa Claus and The Grinch, are eager to sprinkle some festive joy and pose for cherished photos with you and your loved ones!

Embark on a Gastronomic Adventure!
Journey through a world of flavors with our diverse lineup of food trucks, serving up a bounty of global delights. Keep warm and cozy with luscious hot chocolate and apple cider while indulging in hearty winter eats.

Kit Non Alcoholic Brewing Co
Experience the Magic of Holiday Movies!
Snuggle up with family and friends as we screen beloved holiday classics like Home Alone and The Grinch! Bring along your chairs and blankets for a comfy cinematic under the winter sky.

Celebrate Local Craftsmanship & Global Cuisines!
Support our local vendors by shopping for unique gifts and crafts while basking in the rich flavors of international dishes, earning you complimentary raffle tickets with each purchase.

Jewelry by Heart Anna
Grandma Sue's Home Decor
Artisan Gens
Aj's Home Made Pet Treats
CB’s Creations
Space Case
Sunny Meadows Farm - Jewelry
Mj's Custom Jewelry
Sarah’s Sweet Treats
MS Print & Press
Solly's Bakery
Inn Season Resorts
Renewals By Anderson
Adventure & Excitement for All Ages!
The Roaming Railroad invites you for delightful rides around the festival at just $5, while Carly’s Critters presents a live petting zoo for animal lovers to enjoy!

FREE Entry for All!
Families Feeding Families: Our Heartfelt Motto
We believe in nurturing a community spirit and our motto, "Families feeding families", exemplifies just that. It’s not just a festival - it's a gathering of joy, sharing, and festive indulgence.

Your culinary winter wonderland awaits! Bundle up and immerse yourself in a world of festive flavors, enchanting entertainment, and joyful community experiences at the Winter Fest Food Truck Festival!

Glow Hartford 2023 Ultimate Holiday Experience Festive Frames Glowing Trains Family Fun Photo Opportunities
Glow Hartford 2023 Ultimate Holiday Experience Festive Frames Glowing Trains Family Fun Photo Opportunities
128 Photos

Glow_Hartford_Holiday_Event_2023_Festive_Frames_Glowing_Trains_Ultimate_Photo_Opportunity_Family_Fun_Festivities_Culinary_Delights_Live_Music_Vendor_Variety_BISTRO_BUDDY_Jason_Card_Photography_Copyright69 BISTRO BUDDY - Article - BISTRO BUDDY | Food & Drink Community Network Registered Users, BISTRO BUDDY BISTRO BUDDY's Profile
Glow Hartford 2023: A Magical Holiday Experience

Discover the enchanting atmosphere of Glow Hartford 2023, a winter wonderland that brings holiday dreams to life. This album showcases the event's most breathtaking scenes, from glittering light displays to festive decor.

Festive Frames and Glowing Trains: Photographic Highlights

Immerse yourself in a visual journey through the heart of the holiday season. Our photos capture the essence of Glow Hartford's Festive Frames and Glowing Trains, creating lasting memories of the season's joy and wonder.

Family Fun and Festive Activities at Glow Hartford

Glow Hartford is more than just a visual feast; it's a hub of family activities and holiday fun. From playful light pads to an indoor playscape, explore how families enjoy this seasonal extravaganza.

Culinary Delights and Live Music: The Taste of Celebration

Savor the flavors of the holiday with our culinary highlights from Glow Hartford. The album features images of signature drinks and festive foods, paired with scenes of live music that filled the air with cheer.

Glow Hartford's Vendor Variety: A Local Showcase

Get a glimpse into the diverse range of vendors and artisans at Glow Hartford. This section focuses on the unique crafts, jewelry, and local businesses that add to the event's charm.

The Ultimate Photo Opportunity: Capturing Glow Hartford's Essence

Experience the magic through our lens as we highlight the ultimate photo spots at Glow Hartford. From Cinderella's carriage to beautifully lit backdrops, these photos encapsulate the essence of holiday photography.

Festive Frames and Glowing Trains

Check out our latest video: "The Hometown Explorer Visits Glow Hartford"! Experience the magic and lights with us.

Check out here article Festive Frames and Glowing Trains: The Hometown Explorer Visits Glow Hartford

#GlowHartford2023 #HometownExplorer #FestiveFrames #GlowingTrains
Pizzatown Documentary 🍕 Photo Album 📷 Torrington, Connecticut
Pizzatown Documentary 🍕 Photo Album 📷 Torrington, Connecticut
CT Food Truck Battles Festival 2024
CT Food Truck Battles Festival 2024
112 Photos

CT Food Truck Battles Festival 2024 - A Culinary Extravaganza!

Welcome to the photo album of the CT Food Truck Battles Festival 2024! Held at the beautiful Woodtick Recreation Area in Wolcott, Connecticut, this year's festival was a spectacular celebration of food, fun, and entertainment.

Note: BISTRO BUDDY focused on capturing video content during this event, so we did not take a lot of pictures. The official photographer for the Food Truck Battles will release their own pictures on

Event Highlights:

  • Gourmet Food Trucks: Enjoy a visual feast of the top gourmet food trucks from around Connecticut, serving a diverse array of delicious cuisines.
  • Live Entertainment: Relive the exciting live performances from talented musicians and comedians, including the hilarious Gemini Comedy Entertainment.
  • Family-Friendly Activities: See the fun-filled activities for families and kids, including thrilling rides, games, and interactive entertainment.
  • Food Contests and Battles: Check out the intense food battles and eating contests that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
  • Craft Vendors: Discover unique treasures from local craft vendors and artisans showcasing their handmade products.

This album captures the essence of the festival, from the mouth-watering dishes and lively entertainment to the joyous moments shared by attendees. Whether you were there or wish you had been, these photos bring the CT Food Truck Battles Festival 2024 to life.

West Haven Juneteenth 2004
West Haven Juneteenth 2004
61 Photos

Description: On June 8, 2024, Brent Watt Park in West Haven, CT, became the vibrant heart of community spirit and cultural celebration. The West Haven Juneteenth 2024 was more than just an event; it was a profound expression of freedom, history, and unity.

Event Highlights and Community Impact:

  • Performances Galore: The event featured an array of local talents including the Heavenly Stars, saxophonist David Davis, and drummer Gamaliel Moses, bringing the community together through the power of music. Rita Rose Entertainment and dancer Nadia Bellamy added a flair of artistic expression, captivating the audience with their performances.
  • Local Cuisine: Attendees enjoyed a taste of local flavor with offerings from Auntie Sheelah's Cheesecakes, Kenneth's Italian Ice, Pete's Eats, and Gorilla Lemonade, highlighting West Haven's rich culinary diversity.
  • Family and Fun: The event was a family-friendly affair with activities that catered to all ages, including face painting, children’s book giveaways, and interactive games, ensuring a fun-filled day for the youngest attendees.

Significance of Juneteenth: The celebration marked Juneteenth, a historically significant date that commemorates the emancipation of the last remaining enslaved African Americans in the Confederacy on June 19, 1865. This day is not just a reflection of past struggles but also a celebration of freedom, achievements, and African American culture.

Local Heroes and Contributions: During the event, we heard inspiring stories from community leaders like Levi Jordan, who shared insights into his efforts in youth sports and education mentorship. Highlighting the role of local heroes, Levi, along with other community pillars such as the staff at High Rollers Barber Shop, demonstrated the profound impact of local engagement and mentorship.

Vendor Support and Local Economy: The event supported local vendors and artisans, featuring products ranging from handmade crafts to skincare items, showcasing the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of the community. This not only boosted the local economy but also provided a platform for small businesses to connect with the wider community.

Feedback and Future Plans: Reflecting on the success of the event, organizers and participants are already planning for the next year, taking into account feedback to make future celebrations even more impactful.

Restaurant Photo Album – Food Photography by Jason Card of BISTRO BUDDY
Restaurant Photo Album – Food Photography by Jason Card of BISTRO BUDDY
8 Photos

Restaurant Photo Album – Food Photography by Jason Card of BISTRO BUDDY

Explore the essence of our restaurant’s culinary offerings through the lens of Jason Card from BISTRO BUDDY. Each photograph captures the artistry, quality, and flavor that make our dishes truly special. Scroll down to get a taste of our signature items, appetizers, desserts, and more.

Signature Dishes

From classic flavors to innovative creations, our signature dishes showcase the heart of our menu. Each photo highlights the vibrant colors, textures, and plating details that make our entrees a feast for the eyes and the taste buds.

Dish Name 1 – A beautifully plated [description, e.g., “pan-seared salmon with sautéed vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes”] designed to impress.

Dish Name 2 – A visually stunning presentation of [description, e.g., “perfectly grilled steak frites with a hint of garlic butter”].

Appetizers & Sides

Kick off your meal with our appetizing starters, each crafted with care and perfect for sharing or indulging on your own.

Appetizer Name 1 – Crispy and flavorful [description, e.g., “golden calamari with a zesty dipping sauce”] that’s a customer favorite.

Appetizer Name 2 – Our [description, e.g., “truffle fries topped with grated Parmesan and served with aioli”] adds a touch of indulgence to any meal.

Sweet Treats

No meal is complete without dessert! Our sweet selections are captured here, showcasing the delightful details of each treat.

Dessert Name 1 – A rich, gooey [description, e.g., “chocolate lava cake paired with vanilla ice cream”] for the ultimate indulgence.

Dessert Name 2 – Classic [description, e.g., “tiramisu layered with espresso-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone”] that’s perfect for ending any meal.

Thank You for Visiting!

We hope this photo journey through our dishes inspires your next visit. Special thanks to Jason Card of BISTRO BUDDY for capturing these unforgettable culinary moments. Follow us for more updates and sneak peeks into our seasonal offerings!

2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade
2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade | Full Event Highlights, Marching Bands & Irish Celebration
181 Photos

Experience the 2025 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade like never before! 🎉☘️ Watch as the streets of New Haven, Connecticut come alive with vibrant marching bands, pipe & drum corps, Irish dancers, fire departments, police honor guards, community organizations, and festive floats in one of the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the Northeast.

🎥 Note: We apologize for not capturing the entire parade—we had another gig to attend and had to leave early. We hope you enjoy the highlights we were able to film! Thank you for watching, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️🎉

This video captures the best moments from the parade, featuring:
Grand Marshal Cathleen Steinau leading the parade with pride
The New Haven Police Emerald Society, Firefighters, and Color Guards in action
Traditional Irish music & performances by renowned pipe & drum bands
Local businesses, community groups, and historical re-enactments
Exciting floats, vintage vehicles, and festive revelers celebrating Irish heritage

Date & Location:
📅 Sunday, March 16, 2025
📍 Downtown New Haven, Connecticut

📢 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more event coverage, festivals, and community celebrations! Share this video with your friends and family to relive the magic of the Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025! 🍀

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#StPatricksDay #NewHavenParade #NewHavenCT #IrishHeritage #ParadeHighlights #PipeAndDrums #MarchingBands #StPaddysDay #StPatricksDayParade #NewHavenEvents #IrishCulture