Typically, PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY, through its sister operating division OpenSRS, will publish your registered domain name and your geographical territory in the Whois database. We also may provide a webform or pseudo-anonymized email to allow users of the Internet to contact the registrant of the domain name. In some ccTLDs, you may be...
Typically, PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY, through its sister operating division OpenSRS, will publish your registered domain name and your geographical territory in the Whois database. We also may provide a webform or pseudo-anonymized email to allow users of the Internet to contact the registrant of the domain name. In some ccTLDs, you may be required to provide additional information which will be shown in the public whois database; if so, these additional data fields will be described to you at the time of registration.
Many Registries allow for the use of Whois Privacy services, but many others do not. Support (or lack of support for) Whois Privacy is noted during the checkout process and also noted in the PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY dashboard when viewing the details for each domain you own.
It may be useful to note that the term "Whois Privacy" is a term common in the domain industry to denote services that help you keep your personal information out of the Whois database. It is also important to know that PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY doesn't guarantee any level of privacy associated with the use of this feature.
Your personal information is still known to people at our company with a need to access account and registration data. It also may be available in the future should you ever disable this function on your domain name(s). It should not be viewed as a "Registration Anonymizing" service in any way. We reserve the right to remove privacy and restore your contact data in the event of a dispute or a violation of our terms of service.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY only ever uses your registration data for the purpose of facilitating the registration, management, and transfer of the domain names you register with PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY. PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY shares your registration data with the OpenSRS, our sister operating division, and, in turn, that...
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY only ever uses your registration data for the purpose of facilitating the registration, management, and transfer of the domain names you register with PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY. PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY shares your registration data with the OpenSRS, our sister operating division, and, in turn, that data is shared with the registry that manages the TLD you are registering in, for example, Verisign, for .com; CIRA, for .ca; and Nominet, for .uk. The information we gather for specific registries will be presented to you at the time of your registration.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY is also required by ICANN to escrow your registration data with Iron Mountain. Iron Mountain is not permitted to use this data, except to disclose it to ICANN in the event that PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY ceases to be able to register domains.
ICANN requires that we verify the accuracy of the registration data you provide us on at least an annual basis. We use the email address associated with the Registered Name for this purpose. PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY sends this email directly and does not use a third-party service to facilitate this mailing.
If your Registered Domain Name is the subject of a dispute under either ICANN’s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy or its Uniform Rapid Suspension Policy, we will share your registration data with the arbitration provider that is adjudicating the dispute, who will share it with the other party to the dispute. We also may use your registration data to contact you concerning any dispute related to your domain name, or for verification purposes to make sure no one else is accessing your domain.
We never sell this information.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY only uses account data for the purpose of facilitating the management of your account and billing for your purchases.
We share this data programmatically with Braintree, for the purpose of billing your credit card.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY relies on tokens generated by Braintree to trigger billable...
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY only uses account data for the purpose of facilitating the management of your account and billing for your purchases.
We share this data programmatically with Braintree, for the purpose of billing your credit card.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY relies on tokens generated by Braintree to trigger billable events. PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY retains the industry-normal first six and last four digits of the credit card, the type of credit card, and the name associated with the credit card for internal tracking and audit purposes. The data is stored securely and is not usable for any billing or charging purposes. Braintree will never use your data for their own purposes without our explicit consent or notice to us.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY may share your account data with law enforcement agencies on a case-by-case basis, if necessary as part of a legal investigation. We may notify you if this happens, depending on the circumstances. PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY may also share your account data with a third party under order from a court of competent jurisdiction related to a lawsuit or investigation. We evaluate these requests on a case-by-case basis and we will notify you as appropriate.
We may use your account data to contact you concerning a dispute related to your account or for verification purposes to make sure no one else is accessing your account.
PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY does not share your account data with any other parties for any other reasons, with the exception of vendors, working under our instruction following levels of security at least as rigorous as those followed by PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY
When you purchase services from PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY, we create an account for you. This account makes it easier for you to track and manage your purchases with us. For the purpose of creating your account, we collect what we call "account data" and "registration contact data".
Account data includes:
- the name of the account holder ...
When you purchase services from PageRank Kings or BISTRO BUDDY, we create an account for you. This account makes it easier for you to track and manage your purchases with us. For the purpose of creating your account, we collect what we call "account data" and "registration contact data".
Account data includes:
- the name of the account holder
- the mailing address of the account holder
- a primary and, optionally, a secondary email address, associated with the account holder and any other individual that the account holder wishes to designate
- a credit card number, expiry, and verification code
Registration contact data varies by top-level domain, but it may include up to:
- Name and postal address of the Registered Name Holder
- Registered Domain Name
- The primary and secondary nameserver(s) for the Registered Domain Name
- Email address, voice, and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the Registered Name Holder
Contact data:
- including name
- postal address
- email address
- voice and fax (if available)
- telephone numbers for other persons that may have responsibility for your Registered Domain Name.
For your convenience, we may store this data at your direction as a default set of information for future domain purchases