Friends of Wapping Fair, a community-driven organization in South Windsor, Connecticut, revitalized the Wapping Fair after the closure of the South Windsor Jaycees in January 2024. For over 130 years, the fair has celebrated local culture with music, crafts, and agricultural showcases. Established by residents like David Prior, the group aims to continue this historic event at the John J. Mitchell Fairgrounds. With a commitment to maintaining tradition while fostering community involvement, Friends of Wapping Fair is dedicated to preserving this cherished local celebration, ensuring it remains a staple event that brings joy and unity to the community. They welcome volunteers and supporters to join in upholding the fair's legacy.
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Lorem Ipsum é simplesmente um texto fictício da indústria de impressão e composição. Lorem Ipsum tem sido o texto fictício padrão da indústria desde 1500, quando um impressor desconhecido pegou uma galé de tipos e embaralhou para fazer um livro de amostra. sobreviveu não apenas cinco séculos, mas também ao salto para a composição eletrônica, permanecendo essencialmente inalterado. Foi popularizado na década de 1960 com o lançamento de folhas de Letraset contendo passagens de Lorem Ipsum e, mais recentemente, com software de editoração eletrônica como Aldus PageMaker incluindo versões de Lorem Ipsum
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Discover and support your local food and drink event scene on the ultimate community platform for foodies and businesses. Connect & collaborate with local restaurants, food trucks, farmers' markets, breweries, wineries, and more. Featuring event calendars, digital menus with online ordering businesses can promote deals, merchandise, event tickets, table reservations and jobs. Subscribe & stay up-to-date with local and industry news and videos from local food and drink influencers and creators.
Friends of Wapping Fair